Business Recovery
We have been providing this service for a number of years and have a track record of successful outcomes. Ideally we like to get involved at an early stage which facilitates a greater chance of success without resorting to insolvency proceedings.
Unfortunately this is not always possible and directors are often faced with difficult decisions, not knowing what to do and who to trust. We have a great deal of experience in this area and because we are not Insolvency Practitioners, we can be the honest broker and help you through the difficulties that lie ahead.
We do however have a close working relationship with Insolvency Practitioners and Solicitors and can therefore react quickly to any crisis, no matter how large or small.
With every situation being unique, our support is tailor made to fit the circumstances faced by the business concerned, however we will normally review the following areas:-
- Business indebtedness
- Funding requirement and sustainability
- Directors liabilities
- Past and future sales performance
- Bank relationship
- Alternative funding options
- Redundancy requirements
- Contractual commitments